The MST Interactive Map

Click on the MST map markers to learn more about MST events.

Click on the orange button to add a marker for the location you were sexually harassed or assaulted. Note – Markers are manually approved and not instant, we will make every effort to approve within 24 hours.

+Add Marker
made with OUM PRO


Edit Location

This time it will show up when marker is clicked on
Please Select Branch of Service.
What age were you when event occurred?
Gender? Room for comments if needed.
Which ethnicity best describes you?
What year did the event occur?
Because military is everywhere so are MST events.
Did you tell any leadership or file a report?
What best describes how you shared what happened?
This is part of our story, and may be encouraging to those who have not yet filed.
Answer is not public - Last day that you served in the military?
Would you like to make a short public statement that will show up along with your marker? *May be edited for suitability.