Tag: Resources for MST
MST disability claim filed successfully after 38 years
Seize every opportunity along the way, for how sad it would be if the road you chose became the road not taken. -Robert Brault Let me tell you how it went for me and perhaps you may feel some hope toward filing a claim. I learned about “MST” in 2005 and that there was a…
Advocates for MST
You think you might not be heard. Speak anyway. – Maya Angelou Advocacy efforts for MST have created tremendous change. Advocates support survivors, raise awareness, and push for systematic changes. Below are a few key organizations: Protect Our Defenders: “Protect Our Defenders (POD) is the pre-eminent national human rights organization dedicated to ending sexual violence,…
Men and MST
Breaking the Silence VA Infographic, Men & MST & VA MST Brochure for Men Some of the driving forces behind the MST map is protecting anonymity while telling a collective story. It also exists to spread the message that “you are not alone.” The VA has a national screening program which requires that every Veteran…